





①1977年 高崎福音キリスト教会

②1982年 小倉中央教会

③1987年 東広島めぐみ教会

④1987年 京都めぐみ教会

⑤1989年 プレイズチャペル(千葉)現在:北総大地キリスト教会

⑥1990年 高松泉キリスト教会

⑦1993年 新札幌聖書教会

⑧1995年 福岡めぐみ教会

⑨1998年 仙台のぞみ教会

⑩2001年 愛媛めぐみ教会

⑪2004年 盛岡みなみ教会

⑫2008年 宮崎めぐみ聖書教会

⑬2010年 山形恵みキリスト教会

⑭2012年 光の森聖書教会(熊本)

⑮2018年 鹿児島いずみ教会

⑯2022年 佐賀バイブルチャーチ


①2003年 新発田キリスト教会(新潟)新潟山形宣教区

②2006年 近江聖書教会(滋賀県)関西宣教区

③2006年 倉敷めぐみ教会(岡山) 中国・四国宣教区

④2009年 塩尻聖書教会(長野) 信州宣教区

⑤2010年 浦添ジョイ教会(沖縄) 沖縄宣教区

⑥2011年 上総キリスト教会(千葉) 千葉宣教区

⑦2014年 十勝めぐみ教会(北海道) 北海道宣教区

⑧2019年 いこいのある教会(三重県)東海西・東海東宣教区

⑨2020年 徳島福音キリスト教会(徳島県)中国・四国宣教区

⑩2023年 岩出みのりチャペル(和歌山県)関西宣教区


文責:伝道局長 三浦陽子


History of the Evangelism Department

The Evangelism Department of the Japan Alliance Christ Church was established in 1977. At the same time that the Evangelism Department started, the denomination’s first pioneer church plant, the Takasaki Evangelical Christ Church, began in Gunma Prefecture.

The preamble of the Constitution of the Japan Alliance Christ Church states, “This denomination exists to manifest the glory of God by responding to Christ’s Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit, based on unity in “Biblical Faith, Cooperation in Ministry, with Leadership by Council.” For this purpose, this denomination will spare no sacrifice, but will promote domestic missions through proactive pioneering evangelism and sound church formation, as well as foreign missions with a view to “Japan, Asia, and the World” to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. The Evangelism Department of the Japan Alliance Christ Church was established to promote this “proactive pioneering evangelism.

Operating under the mottos of “120 Million Evangelized,” “An Alliance Church for All Prefectures,” “Dots to Lines, Lines to Planes,” has brought us to today.

“120 Million Evangelized” That is, filling Japan with the gospel, proclaiming the gospel to everyone in Japan. To accomplish this is the vision of “An Alliance Church for All Prefectures.”

We will start church planting in prefectures where there is not a single Japan Alliance Christ Church. In prefectures where there is only one Alliance Churches, we will plant a second church, forming a “line,” and then on to three and more churches, forming a “plane.”

In this way, we have worked to fill Japan with the gospel through pioneering churches and forming sound churches. To this end, we have been calling on the local churches of the Japan Alliance Christ Church to support domestic missions through financial offerings and prayer, thereby making domestic missions the work of the entire denomination.

The following is a list of pioneer church plants and locations that have been conducted at the denomination level, and also at the “ministry region” level since 1977.

Pioneer church plants at the denomination level

(1) 1977 Takasaki Evangelical Christ Church

(2) 1982 Kokura Chuo Church

(3) 1987 Higashi-Hiroshima Megumi Church

(4) 1987 Kyoto Megumi Church

(5) 1989 Praise Chapel (Chiba), Now: Hokuso Daichi Christ Church (6) 1990 Takamatsu Izumi Christ Church

(7) 1993 Shin-Sapporo Bible Church

(8) 1995 Fukuoka Megumi Church

(9) 1998 Sendai Nozomi Church

(10) 2001 Ehime Megumi Church

(11) 2004 Morioka Minami Church

(12) 2008 Miyazaki Megumi Bible Church

(13) 2010 Yamagata Grace Christ Church

(14) 2012 Hikari no Mori Bible Church (Kumamoto)

(15) 2018 Kagoshima Izumi Church

(16) Saga Bible Church

Pioneer church plants at the Parish level

(1) 2003 Shinbata Christ Church (Niigata)

Niigata Yamagata Parish

(2) 2006 Omi Bible Church (Shiga)  Kansai Parish

(3) 2006 Kurashiki Megumi Church (Okayama)

Chugoku/Shikoku Parish

(4) 2009 Shiojiri Bible Church (Nagano) Shinshu Parish

(5) 2010 Urazoe Joy Church (Okinawa) Okinawa Parish

(6) 2011 Joso Christ Church (Chiba) Chiba Parish

(7) 2014 Tokachi Megumi Church (Hokkaido) Hokkaido Parish

(8) 2019 Ikoi no Aru Church (Mie) Tokai West & Tokai East Parish

(9) 2020 Tokushima Evangelical Christ Church (Tokushima) Chugoku/Shikoku Parish

(10) 2023 Iwade Minori Chapel (Wakayama) Kansai Parish

Since 2023, we have been conducting research and making preparations to start pioneer churches in Shimane and Akita prefectures.

Submitted by: Yoko Miura

Director, Evangelism Department202312